Welcome to the Mystic Kingdoms alpha FAQ!

If you’re experiencing game or account issues, look below for common solutions. For additional questions, please submit a HELP TICKET and our support team will get back to you within 48 hours. Please note that Mystic Kingdoms is in “alpha” – a stage of development so early that it’s not even beta yet, so please bear with us as you experience bugs, missing content, incomplete systems, and gameplay imbalances. That said, we do want you to have fun, so we’ve written this FAQ to help you get over common hurdles and challenges.

Mystic Kingdoms information

Q: What is Mystic Kingdoms?

A: Mystic Kingdoms is a team-based arena battle game in which two teams of five players face off against each other in quick, 10-minute matches. Similar to first-generation MOBAs such as League of Legends and DOTA, Mystic Kingdoms offers players strategic depth and fast action as they battle for control of an arena. As a next-generation arena battle game, Mystic Kingdoms makes it easy to jump in and play through intuitive controls and streamlined gameplay.

Q: Who created Mystic Kingdoms?

A: Mystic Kingdoms is being developed and published by Playgig, Inc., a venture-backed, California-based game developer and publisher founded in 2021.

Q: How can I contact Mystic Kingdoms player support?

A: Please complete a HELP TICKET to help us connect you to the right support group. A member of the player support team will contact you after your form is submitted and reviewed.

General account issues

Q: Can I recover a lost account? (lost/broke your device, uninstalled, etc.)

A: Because Mystic Kingdoms is in alpha, all accounts are guest accounts and are not recoverable if you lose or break your device or you uninstall the Mystic Kingdoms application. If you obtain a new device or reinstall Mystic Kingdoms, you’ll need to create a new guest account and set your nickname.

Q: How do I change my nickname?

A: You can update your nickname at any time by selecting the Settings icon (⚙) in the upper right-hand corner of the Mystic Kingdoms app’s home screen. Once in the settings menu, select “Account”, then select “CHANGE NAME”, then click on the red button labeled “Change” and enter your new name.

Q: How do I find my PlayerID?

A: PlayerIDs can be found in the player profile screen. From the Mystic Kingdoms home screen, click on your player icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Once in the Profile screen, your full PlayerID will be located next to your player icon. This ID will typically look like: NICKNAME#1234. Players can use the copy/paste icon next to their PlayerID to easily add their IDs to their clipboard.

Q: Can I connect my guest account to my Google or Apple ID?

A: This functionality will be available in the future. Currently, guest accounts cannot be connected to your Google or Apple IDs.

Q: How do I adjust in-game sounds?

A: You can update in-game sounds at any time by selecting the Settings icon (⚙) in the upper right-hand corner of the Mystic Kingdoms home screen. Once in the settings menu, select “General”, then “SOUND”. There you can adjust the sound effect, music, and overall volume levels.

Q: How do I adjust the game display quality?

A: We currently don’t have an option to adjust display quality. However, as we are still in alpha updates are frequently added. Any significant UI/UX updates can be found in our [patch notes] as Mystic Kingdoms continues to develop.

Q: How do I delete my account?

A: You can delete your account in the settings menu under the “Account” tab. Select the red “Delete” button followed by “Confirm”. Once your account is deleted in this way, it cannot be recovered.

Q: Can I transfer my account to another player?

A: Player accounts are not transferable.

Q: How do I restore my original settings?

A: You can restore the Mystic Kingdoms default settings at any time by selecting the Settings icon (⚙) in the upper right-hand corner of the Mystic Kingdoms home screen. Once in the settings menu, select “General”, then “OTHERS”, then select “RETURN TO DEFAULT SETTINGS” and click the red “Default” button.

Bug reports and game crashes

Mystic Kingdoms is still in alpha. This means that bugs, glitches, lag, freezes and game crashes will be more common. Always restart your app before continuing with our troubleshooting steps below.

Q: Where can I find information on known issues?

A: A current list of known issues can be found at the end of this FAQ. For issues occurring outside of our known issues please submit a detailed description of your experience via this form.

Q: How do I report a bug?

A: You can report a bug by using this HELP TICKET. Use the selection menus to file your bug in the appropriate category. Please provide a detailed description of what occurred. We also invite you to join our Discord where you can also report bugs. Depending on the severity of the bug, a Discord moderator may reach out to you for more feedback.

Q: My game is stuck/frozen. How do I fix it?

A: The most common causes for a stuck/frozen game are network connectivity issues and device overloading. To resolve this issue, check that your network connection is stable or switch to a stable connection. If your connection is stable, then we recommend closing all other open applications on your device and restarting the app for a smoother experience. If you continue to encounter issues please fill out a HELP TICKET and a member of our player support team will contact you.

Q: Why is my game lagging?

A: The most common causes for lag is network connectivity issues and device overloading. To resolve this issue, restart the app and check that your network connection is stable or switch to a stable connection. If your connection is stable, then we recommend closing all other open applications on your device for a smoother experience. If you continue to encounter issues please fill out a HELP TICKET and a member of our player support team will contact you.

About Mystic Kingdoms gameplay

Q: What type of game is Mystic Kingdoms?

A: Mystic Kingdoms is a fast-paced 5v5 arena battle game with a unique balance of PvP and PvE gameplay. Matches are quick, dynamic, and action-packed, with many different ways to contribute to your team's victory. Fight, loot, capture, or defend -- the choice is yours!

Q: What’s the goal of the game?

A: Players work together as members of a five-player team to capture up to three zones and defeat opponents. The first team to reach 1000 points, or the most points at the end of a 10-minute game, wins.

Q: How do you earn team points in a game?

A: In addition to earning individual XP, players can also earn points towards their team point total. Team points are rewarded for:

  • Destroying NPCs with a difficulty level of 3, 4 or 6
  • NPCs with a difficulty level of 3 or 4 reward 1 points each
  • NPCs with a difficulty level of 6 reward 3 points each
  • Capturing zones
  • 1 point is rewarded per occupied zone for approximately every 1 second occupied per zone
  • Player knockouts
  • 10 points are awarded per player knockout
  • Destroying the map boss
  • 100 team points are rewarded for destroying the boss

Q: How does character leveling work?

A: You can increase character experience (XP) by defeating other players and NPCs, discovering loot, destroying numina crystals, and most importantly, capturing points and defeating defenders.

Q: How do I earn in-game currency and what do I spend it on?

A: In-game currency can be earned in many different ways. Numina crystals can be found around the map and broken for random loot, which may include in-game currency. Players can also obtain currency randomly through locked and unlocked chests, and by defeating NPCs.

Q: How do purchasing defenders work at capture points?

A: After a capture point has been secured by your team a store will appear in game in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. The store will have three options for adding defenders to defend your zone: grunts, ranged, brawlers, and champions. Defenders can be purchased for varying costs that increase with defender strength level. The store has one button that cycles through defender options beginning with lowest strength (grunts) to highest strength (champions). Tap and hold to complete the purchase.

Q: What triggers a boss spawn on the map?

A: Bosses spawn on the map midway through a match. The map boss spawns when one of these moments occurs:

  • 60% through the match (the sixth minute 6 of a ten-minute match) OR
  • When a team reaches 60% of the total possible match points (i.e., 600 of 1000 points)

Q: What are treasure chests? What do they contain? How do I open locked treasure chests?

A: Chests are purple boxes with varied locations per map. Chests contain opportunities for loot in game that randomly include: XP, in-game currency, or keys for locked chests.

  • Unlocked chests: Players can open unlocked chests by navigating their character in front of a chest and selecting the OPEN option that appears on screen next to the chest.
  • Locked chests: Players can open locked chests by obtaining keys. Keys can be randomly obtained from defeating NPCs (Level 3), opening chests, and breaking energy crystals.

Q: How do I earn cosmetics? How do I equip them?

A: All character cosmetics in Mystic Kingdoms are currently unlocked for a limited time. More character cosmetics will be available at a later date. Character skins can be selected in the “Collection” menu located on the home screen. Once in the “Collection” menu, select your character and toggle through the available options located under abilities. Profile cosmetics (icons, titles, frames) can be unlocked by leveling up your account while playing the game.

Q: Can the game end in a tie?

A: Yes, but it’s rare that both teams have the same score at the end of a match. In this case, both teams get the winning bonus.

Q: How do I set up a custom game with friends?

A: Custom matches are not yet available in Mystic Kingdoms alpha, but this is a feature we’d like to add in the future.

Q: Is there a friends list that I can add my friends to?

A: Mystic Kingdoms alpha does not currently have a friends list feature, but this is a feature we’ll be adding in the future.

A: All news and information about Mystic Kingdoms can be found on our blog. You can also join our Discord for more information on events and to connect to other players around the world.

Q: Where can I find patch notes for Mystic Kingdoms?

A: All of our patch notes can be found here in the blog. You can also join our Discord where you’ll be notified when new patch notes are posted.

Q: Where can I find more information on Playgig?

A: Thank you for your interest in Playgig! Please check out our website, Playgig.com, for more information or follow us on LinkedIn.

Q: Where can I share feedback?

A: Feedback can be shared with the Mystic Kingdoms player support team by filling out this HELP TICKET and selecting “Other” in the “How can we help you” section of the form.

Player trust & safety

Q: How do I report a player for an inappropriate nickname, in-game behavior, cheating, intentional throwing/stalling, or other misbehavior?

A: Please fill out this HELP TICKET and provide as much information about the reported player as possible.

Q: I have another question that wasn’t answered here. How can I get help?

A: Complete this HELP TICKET and a member of our support team will follow up within 48 hours.

Q: Where can I find a list of known bugs and issues?

A: Please see below for a report of all known issues with our current Mystic Kingdoms release.

Known Issues/Bug Report

As an alpha game, Mystic Kingdoms is more likely to experience bugs, connectivity issues, lags, or freezes. A list of our current known issues will be updated here.

Framerate Issues (FPS)

  • FPS drops occur during the first skydive of a match.
  • Android players may see increased FPS drops.

Gameplay Issues

  • Characters can stutter or experience irregular movement patterns.
  • Characters occasionally appear invisible on the map.

Device Issues

  • Increased crashes on launch or during gameplay for iOS players.
  • Players who leave their game idling in the background for longer than 5-10 seconds will be kicked out of the game.
  • Increased temperatures during gameplay for mobile devices.